The PTFA is a non-profit association established by farmers to improve their livelihoods, ensure better access to services, facilitate training, promote farming, lessen dependence on food imports for greater food security, and provide a voice for farmers.
Promoting environmentally friendly and farmer friendly agriculture.
Organic Certification
No certifying bodies in Palau
Products available
Volunteer opportunities
To be advised
Contact details
Palau Taiwan Farmers Association
POB 1123
Palau PW 96940
P: 680 778 3979
The PTFA runs a Family Farm demonstration project on the west side of Babelau Island to demonstrate organic principles. The target audience is young people. The crops grown on the farm include taro, banana, breadfruit and citrus fruits. People are now more aware of their health and the benefits of a more balanced diet. Like other Pacific Island countries, Palau is witnessing a rise in non-communicable diseases, or lifestyle diseases. In response, there is a push for people to use more traditional foods in their diet, as well as making other lifestyle changes. Apart from teaching skills in growing your own food, the project also links to local markets.