Meet Chloé Fontfreyde, an agricultural engineer by profession, currently working for the Chamber of Agriculture in Bourail in New Caledonia. Chloé joined the Chamber of Agriculture in 2017 and initially worked on finding alternative and environmentally friendly control methods for ticks in pastures that would then in turn help reduce chemical treatments on cattle.
Chloé then moved to managing the Sustainable Development department of the Chamber of Agriculture, focusing on agricultural waste and organic and non-organic waste management. Her work contributes significantly to the circular economy: reusing waste from other industries in the fields through composting, for example, or using food waste to feed black soldier fly larvae that would feed poultry.
When asked about what inspired her to join the agriculture field, Chloé says, “I was inspired by my father who was also an agronomist. I saw an opportunity to make something as useful as feeding people a social and outdoor job at the same time.”
Chloé also volunteers at Biocaledonia, a New Caledonia organic association and was elected as part of the Biocaledonia Board in 2020 representing organic consumers and women. Chloé also volunteers at Paladalik, an association monitoring reef health with respect to global warming. Chloé spends most of her time between the fields and the reef. When asked for her advice for young aspirational women and girls, Chloé says to “do what you feel is important and enjoy your work!”