Title: Safe Agriculture Trade Facilitation through...
Donor: European Union
Value: EUR 517,500 (for POETCom Activities)
Target Countries: : SAFE Pacific will be implemented in all 15 Pacific ACPs Cook Islands | Fiji | Federated States of Micronesia | Kiribati | Marshall Islands | Nauru | Niue | Palau | Papua New Guinea | Solomon Islands | Samoa | Timor-Leste | Tonga | Tuvalu | Vanuatu
Project Status: closed
Projected Timeline: 21.03.2021 - 22.01.2021
Key Activities:
The overall objectives of the project are:
1) to increase intra-regional and international trade, and
2) to increase the private sector’s participation in economic integration
POETCom’s Key Activity is:
Strengthen access to market certification (environmental, sustainable, organic etc.)
Market certification is needed to access high value niche markets, It also promotes environmentally friendly production practices in a manner that can be effectively monitored. This activity will develop and sustain a network of locally based advisors and auditors for food safety and marketing certifications, and will assist businesses to meet requirements for certifications. The project will involve training and technical assistance (TA).